Modern medicine has evolved so much that even the most dreaded surgeries of the past are now being done with so much ease. Given the modern techniques and precision used in various plastic surgery procedures, different types of imperfections can be corrected quickly and safely.
This has made cosmetic surgeries more accessible and increasingly popular among people who want to make improvements to their bodies. Obtaining your ideal physique is not difficult anymore. Thanks to surgical procedures like the thigh lift, you can make cosmetic improvements to your body through surgery.
The thigh is one common problem area where excess stubborn fat accumulates and the thin skin becomes saggy over time changing the look of your body. Even the most effective weight loss routines might not be able to get you perfectly shaped thighs as weight loss leads to even more loose skin. That is where a thigh lift comes into the picture.
Get to Know What a Thigh Lift Is
A thigh lift is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess stubborn fat and eliminate saggy skin in the thigh region to achieve slimmer and more toned legs.
This procedure is done under general anesthesia. Your doctor will assess your body and decide where to make the necessary incisions. Strategic placement not only allows for the best results possible, but it also limits the visibility of post-surgical scars.
The incisions might be made on the inner in a vertical direction or a horizontal direction or along the outer thigh region. A location that aligns with the natural curves and folds on the skin is chosen to keep any resulting post-surgical mark hidden from view. After the necessary incisions are made, your doctor will remove any excess fat and sagging skin in the area. Once the corrections are made, your doctor will close the incisions and bandage them to keep them and place a compression garment.
Top Reasons Why People opt for a Thigh Lift
The natural aging process often results in the development of excess saggy skin all over the body. This is because the natural elasticity of the skin that allows it to bounce back to its normal position is lost over time. So those with sagging skin in their thighs choose a thigh lift to correct this issue and reclaim the aesthetically pleasing look.
In some cases, having too much excess fat in the thigh region might make it difficult to fit into styles of clothing. There might also be other problems like skin irritation caused by the constant rubbing of the thighs. A thigh lift can address such issues and bring relief to your life.
Weight loss can also lead to flabby skin along the inner thighs where the skin is naturally thinner than other areas of the body. If you have spent a lot of time in the gym or following strict dietary plans, but have not seen much in the form of results, surgery can be of great help.
What Should You Know Before and After the Surgery?
Having a successful thigh lift surgery does depend in part on the surgeon you choose to perform the procedure. You will want to work with someone who is an experienced board certified plastic surgeon.
Based on your specific cosmetic goals, the surgeon would then design a specialized treatment plan to fit your unique needs and deliver great results. You should make sure to discuss the details of the procedure with your surgeon and follow any post-surgical instructions that are given to you.
Smoking, drinking and other unhealthy habits will have to be avoided for some time before and after the surgery for the best results. Maintaining a steady weight during the same period would also determine the effectiveness of the procedure. After the surgery is completed, you will have to undergo a period of downtime to rest and recover.
Contact Our Office to Schedule Your Thigh Lift
A thigh lift surgery can help you finally achieve the contoured and toned thighs you have always wanted. If you’re interested in learning more about the surgery, contact our office to schedule a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Erika Sato.