The tummy tuck procedure offers comprehensive results that enhance the look and feel of your abdomen. During your tummy tuck, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Erika Sato will remove excess fat with liposuction, excise any sagging excess skin, and tighten the abdominal muscles. This creates an abdomen that has a flat and well-toned appearance with smooth and sleek skin.
In general, a good candidate for a tummy tuck is anyone over the age of 18 who is unhappy with the appearance of their abdomen. However, there are some factors that may affect the results of your procedure.
Individuals who plan on losing a significant amount of weight after their tummy tuck may experience new sagging abdominal skin, reversing the results of their tummy tuck. Pregnancy also causes the abdomen to dramatically expand, which produces loose skin, loose abdominal muscle, and pockets of excess fat.
If you plan on becoming pregnant or losing a large amount of weight, we recommend that you hold off on your abdominoplasty until these have occurred. If you are ready and prepared for your procedure, contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sato.