In Houston

How Can BOTOX® Help My Career?

By Dr. Sato

When the men of Wall Street want a career boost, they often turn to BOTOX®. In an industry where cookie-cutter clothing is a must, BOTOX® can set these men apart and give them an aesthetic competitive edge. We’re guessing it isn’t just Wall Street mavericks who can benefit from this injectable treatment. BOTOX® may be able to help men and women in almost any industry. How can BOTOX® help your career? Come on in and give the treatment a try and let us know what results you see.

Quick with No Downtime

Many aesthetic treatments require time off from work for both surgery and recovery. BOTOX® is different. Treatment is quick (usually takes less than 15 minutes, start to finish) with no needed downtime. Come in on your lunch, get injected, and head right back to work. While there are certainly reasons for enhancements that require time off from work, BOTOX® is a great solution to those who want to improve their appearance, but that can’t afford to miss work.

Recovery after BOTOX® is also minimal. Some patients experience a bit of bruising at the injection sites, but this tends to fade quickly. Results start to appear in as little as 24 hours with continued improvement for the first week. BOTOX® lasts 3-4 months per treatment.

Do Looks Matter?

Anyone who says looks don’t matter doesn’t understand how important looks actually are. Research has found that the lifetime difference in pay between an attractive person and an unattractive person was about $230,000. Attractive people are more likely to get call backs after job interviews and are viewed as more competent on the job. In a competitive business market where looks do matter, BOTOX® may be the help you need for more success.

Other Quick Enhancements

BOTOX® isn’t your only option for non-surgical and no downtime enhancement. Injectable fillers are a great option for restoring lost facial volume, for plumping the lips, and for filling in wrinkles and pitted acne scars. Laser skin resurfacing treatments, like the Fraxel laser, can fade brown spots, boost collagen production, smooth skin, and diminish fine lines and wrinkles. Come see Dr. Sato and ask which non-surgical enhancements may be right for you.

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