In Houston

Restylane® Lyft Rejuvenates the Cheeks

By Dr. Sato

Aging is an unstoppable force that will alter different aspects of your face and body. It’s bound to happen and sadly, the most obvious changes tend to occur on your face, as it is more visible to others. In addition to fine lines and wrinkles, sagging facial skin, especially on the cheeks and jowls, is the most common symptom of aging.

Aging isn’t the only contributing factor here, however. Sagging facial skin can occur due to other factors as well. For instance, repetitive facial movements in one area of the face can also lead to sagging facial skin by leaving other muscle regions underdeveloped. Like muscles in any other part of the body, the facial muscles, too, need constant resistance and contraction to maintain their firmness and strength.

The good news is that you can always “fix” your skin to retain a more youthful appearance. There are plenty of cosmetic treatments available to help you improve the look and feel of your skin. One of the latest and most effective treatments available is Restylane Lyft.

What is Restylane Lyft?

Restylane Lyft is an injectable gel that’s been developed to help fill out or lift folds and restore ones facial volume. Facial volume loss occurs as a result of bone-mass loss, collagen degradation, and fat loss. However, what Restylane Lyft does is that it attracts water molecules and binds them to create more volume.

The gel itself is made from hyaluronic acid, a chemical that is naturally produced in the body. The hyaluronic acid in the filler exists in gel form and is reformulated to slow down the breakdown carried out by skin enzymes.

Restylane Lyft, like all other products from Restylane, is free of animal protein and other animal-based components. As a result, the chances of disease transmission are slim and there is no need for allergy testing. Also, Restylane Lyft is cross-linked minimally, which is not the case with other types of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers.

An Introduction to Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a type of complex sugar that’s found in most living organisms. Its signature characteristic is that it can retain water, absorbing around 1000 times its actual weight. This is exactly why it’s capable of restoring the volume of your skin.

It doesn’t stop there. Hyaluronic acid also binds with elastin and collagen to transport nutrients to skin fibers. As a result, the skin gains elasticity, volume, and structure, which boosts the overall appearance of the skin, making it look healthy and more youthful.

However, as the skin ages and becomes more exposed to harmful elements/pollutants, the cells lose their ability to naturally generate hyaluronic acid. This is why the skin becomes saggy and loose as you get older, leading to the formation of wrinkles and folds.

To solve the issue, dermal fillers such as Restylane Lyft are cross-linked with hyaluronic acid molecules and are used by cosmetic surgeons to replace the lost volume and elasticity.

What to Expect from the Restylane Lyft Treatment

Restylane Lyft is a simple, outpatient procedure that requires only topical anesthesia to prevent the mild discomfort that the patient might experience otherwise. The treatment session is short and once completed, there is no downtime required. You can return to your normal routine almost immediately after the treatment is completed.

The results of a Restylane Lyft procedure are noticeable immediately. Your cheeks will appear fuller and so will your midface. The results often last for a year or more, after which you can opt for additional treatments to continue enjoying your youthful appearance.

Complete correction can be achieved in just a single visit, which may involve more than one syringe.

Contact Our Office

You don’t always have to opt for a highly invasive surgery to improve your appearance and or build your confidence. You can achieve a more youthful yet natural look with a Restylane Lyft injection. To learn more about the treatment, contact our office to schedule a consultation with skilled plastic surgeon Dr. Erika Sato today.

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