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Articles for Tummy Tuck

Will a Mini Tummy Tuck Give Me Quality Results?

An abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a tummy tuck surgery, is one of the most effective solutions for getting rid of excess skin and fat in the abdominal region. However, there are cases where this traditional technique may not be suitable for a patient. These patients only have a small amount of excess skin below the umbilicus that needs to be removed. In situations like these, the full tummy tuck may be much too extensive, but patients can benefit from the mini tummy surgery. What Is A Mini Tummy Tuck? A mini tummy tuck is a variation of the abdominoplasty, where only the […]

A Tummy Tuck Can Make a Major Difference After Childbirth

Giving the gift of life is a beautiful experience, but it can take a tremendous toll on the body. Multiple pregnancies especially can cause the skin around the body to stretch out and sag around the mid region. In addition to this issue, the underlying abdominal muscles will also weaken and lose any tone it once had. In cases like this, many women turn to diet and exercise to help get their bodies back into shape, but they don’t always provide the desired results on their own. It can be very frustrating to commit so much time and effort to improving […]

If Your Tummy Could Use a Tune-Up, Try a Tummy Tuck!

There are plenty of reasons why your body may retain excess fat in the abdominal area. Among them are hereditary factors, hormonal changes, and stress. With issues like these holding you back, having a well-toned abdominal area can be a hard goal to achieve. Not only does it require strenuous exercise routines, you’ll also have to pay really close attention to your diet. In some cases, exercise and diet alone still may not get you the visible changes you desire. In situations like these, a little extra help in the form of a tummy tuck could come in handy. This plastic […]

Choosing the Right Time for Your Tummy Tuck

The tummy tuck procedure offers comprehensive results that enhance the look and feel of your abdomen. During your tummy tuck, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Erika Sato will remove excess fat with liposuction, excise any sagging excess skin, and tighten the abdominal muscles. This creates an abdomen that has a flat and well-toned appearance with smooth and sleek skin. In general, a good candidate for a tummy tuck is anyone over the age of 18 who is unhappy with the appearance of their abdomen. However, there are some factors that may affect the results of your procedure. Individuals who plan on losing a […]

Can Liposuction and a Tummy Tuck Be Performed at the Same Time?

When it comes to achieving a flatter belly, most people opt for liposuction and a tummy tuck, the ultimate body contouring procedures. Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures of all time, with the ability to remove stubborn pockets of fat from almost anywhere on the body. On the other hand, a tummy tuck is an amazing procedure that can repair loosened abdominal muscles, and remove excess skin responsible for perpetually protruding bellies. You can actually pair these two incredible body-contouring procedures to get the best possible results. Can I Get Them Done at the Same Time? You can absolutely […]

Spring into Spring with a Mommy Makeover

Springtime is a return to beauty and life, and now that the flowers are blooming and the sun is shining, isn’t it time that you did a little blossoming yourself? It might seem like the effects of motherhood might be irreversible, but it is possible to bring your body back to its prime. A Mommy Makeover is the ultimate rejuvenation procedure because it’s perfectly designed to bring our bodies back from the brink of motherhood. With a combination of facial, breast, and body procedures, the Mommy Makeover is truly your fountain of youth. What’s in a Mommy Makeover? A Mommy Makeover […]

Can I Pick and Choose What’s Part of My Mommy Makeover?

Do you love your babies, but hate your stretchmarks? Pregnancy changes the body, often in ways that can be downright depressing. If you’re tired of sagging breasts, a paunchy tummy, and changes “down there”, a Mommy Makeover could be the transformation you’re seeking. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Sato to learn about your options for restoring your body after baby. A Mommy Makeover allows you to have it all: a smokin’ hot body, tons of self-confidence, and adorable kids, too. A Mommy Makeover: Customized to Target Your Problem Areas What changes are you most unhappy with in your post-pregnancy body? A Mommy […]

New Year, New You – It’s Time for a Mommy Makeover

The New Year is a time of transformation and we can think of one change most mommies would love: getting their pre-baby body back. Make 2016 the year of your Mommy Makeover and rediscover the sexy body you once loved (or discover the one you’ve always wanted!). Having children changes you, but it doesn’t have to permanently transform your body. What Is a Mommy Makeover? If you’ve had children, you’re probably well aware of the changes that pregnancy can have on the body. It can lead to smaller, saggy breasts, an increase in areola size, labia changes, a stretched out tummy, and […]

New Year New You Infographic

Enter the New Year with a new look from face to body. Dr. Erika Sato can help you achieve a fresh start. Her infographic details procedures from Facelift and Breast Augmentation to Tummy Tucks and Liposuction that will help you determine what you need to achieve a new you. For more information, contact Dr. Sato for a consultation. […]

What to Expect Regarding Tummy Tuck Scarring

If you’re considering a tummy tuck, you might be a bit concerned about scarring. You want the surgery to flatten and restore your mid-section and don’t want a large, unsightly scar getting in the way of your new look. Here’s the lowdown on what to expect scarring wise. If you have any specific questions about tummy tucks, scarring, or some other procedure we offer, come in and talk with Dr. Sato. Location, Location, Location A tummy tuck incision is made across the lower abdomen. For a full abdominoplasty the incision typically runs from one hip bone to the other. It is very […]

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