
Located in Houston, TX

Feeling Self-Conscious? Labiaplasty May Be the Answer

Feeling Self-Conscious? Labiaplasty May Be the Answer

Labiaplasty was often considered a surgical procedure that women didn’t want to talk about, but over the years, it has gained popularity. In fact, last year it was one of the most popular elective cosmetic surgery procedures. What is Labiaplasty? Labiaplasty is a...

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Will a Mini Tummy Tuck Give Me Quality Results?

Will a Mini Tummy Tuck Give Me Quality Results?

An abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a tummy tuck surgery, is one of the most effective solutions for getting rid of excess skin and fat in the abdominal region. However, there are cases where this traditional technique may not be suitable for a patient. These...

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A Thigh Lift Gives Your Legs a Whole New Look

A Thigh Lift Gives Your Legs a Whole New Look

Modern medicine has evolved so much that even the most dreaded surgeries of the past are now being done with so much ease. Given the modern techniques and precision used in various plastic surgery procedures, different types of imperfections can be corrected quickly...

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Restylane® Lyft Rejuvenates the Cheeks

Restylane® Lyft Rejuvenates the Cheeks

Aging is an unstoppable force that will alter different aspects of your face and body. It’s bound to happen and sadly, the most obvious changes tend to occur on your face, as it is more visible to others. In addition to fine lines and wrinkles, sagging facial skin,...

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If Your Tummy Could Use a Tune-Up, Try a Tummy Tuck!

If Your Tummy Could Use a Tune-Up, Try a Tummy Tuck!

There are plenty of reasons why your body may retain excess fat in the abdominal area. Among them are hereditary factors, hormonal changes, and stress. With issues like these holding you back, having a well-toned abdominal area can be a hard goal to achieve. Not only...

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The Facelift Eliminates Harsh Facial Lines

The Facelift Eliminates Harsh Facial Lines

As you grow older, you will start to develop harsh wrinkles and fine lines throughout your entire facial region. These issues will become accelerated if you live a poor lifestyle, are constantly stressed, or if you are exposed to the harmful pollutants in the...

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The Eyelid Lift: No More Sagging, No More Puffiness

The Eyelid Lift: No More Sagging, No More Puffiness

There are times when the eyelids may become puffy or develop lines due to the natural aging process or medical problems. Fortunately, an eyelid lift, also known as a blepharoplasty, can help you get rid of the sagging skin, wrinkles, and puffiness around the eyes for...

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