Houston Beautiful Body

Located in Houston, TX

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Is Upper Eyelid Surgery Right for Me?

Is Upper Eyelid Surgery Right for Me?

Upper eyelid surgery, also known as upper blepharoplasty, lifts sagging upper eyelids. This surgery not only rejuvenates your eyes, it also helps those with a limited field of vision due to excess upper-eyelid skin. Is upper eyelid surgery right for you? Do You Look...

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Do I Need Any Downtime After Juvederm?

Do I Need Any Downtime After Juvederm?

Juvederm Lip Fillers Injectable fillers are becoming more and more popular by the day due to their ability to give you excellent results quickly, without the need for invasive surgery methods. I mean, come on, who doesn’t want to reclaim their youthful good looks...

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Is Belotero the Right Wrinkle Treatment for Me?

Is Belotero the Right Wrinkle Treatment for Me?

Tired of wrinkles, fine lines, and crow’s feet ruining your pretty face? Fed up of wrinkled facial skin making you look 10 years older than you actually are? Then it’s time for you to get yourself some Belotero injections. Anti-aging creams, serums, lotions,...

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Shape and Sculpt Your Upper Arms

Shape and Sculpt Your Upper Arms

Stubborn fat in the upper arm area is tough to get rid of for a lot of people. While you might manage to shift the weight in other parts of your body, losing the extra flab on the upper arm can be a challenge. That’s where an arm lift can really help. This plastic...

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Feeling Self-Conscious? Labiaplasty May Be the Answer

Feeling Self-Conscious? Labiaplasty May Be the Answer

Labiaplasty was often considered a surgical procedure that women didn’t want to talk about, but over the years, it has gained popularity. In fact, last year it was one of the most popular elective cosmetic surgery procedures. What is Labiaplasty? Labiaplasty is a...

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Will a Mini Tummy Tuck Give Me Quality Results?

Will a Mini Tummy Tuck Give Me Quality Results?

An abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a tummy tuck surgery, is one of the most effective solutions for getting rid of excess skin and fat in the abdominal region. However, there are cases where this traditional technique may not be suitable for a patient. These...

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