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FAQs: CO2 Laser Skin Rejuvenation in Houston

happy young woman getting cavitation rejuvenating skin treatment

Dr. Erika Sato restores a more youthful tone and texture to skin with CO2 laser skin resurfacing in Houston, TX. The doctor expertly utilizes advanced carbon dioxide laser technology to tailor skin rejuvenation treatments that increase collagen production and precisely target concerns such as; wrinkles, sun damage, and acne scars. The treatment offers significant results; however, it does require a healing period as well. Below are answers to frequently asked questions that offer valuable insights into CO2 laser skin rejuvenation procedures. 

What Is CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing? 

CO2 laser skin rejuvenation procedures are performed with a carbon dioxide laser that removes the damaged outer layers of the skin. The healing process reveals new skin and induces more collagen production. This results in smoother, firmer, and more youthful-looking skin.

How Do CO2 Lasers Rejuvenate Skin? 

The CO2 laser precisely removes thin layers of skin with minimal heat damage to the surrounding tissues. It emits short bursts of high-energy light, which is absorbed by water in the skin and the process vaporizes dormant and damaged skin cells and induces cell regeneration and an increase in collagen production. 

What Can CO2 Laser Treatments Address? 

Skin resurfacing with carbon dioxide lasers can significantly improve the appearance and texture of a variety of skin concerns related to aging, environmental damage, or previous infection. Key benefits include:

  • Significant improvement in skin texture and firmness.
  • Reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and sun damage.
  • Minimize the appearance of acne scars and other types of scarring.
  • Enhanced skin tone and complexion for a more youthful look.

What Skin Types Are Compatible with CO2 Laser Resurfacing?

CO2 laser skin resurfacing is most effective on individuals with lighter skin tones, typically ranging from fair to medium. These skin types are less likely to experience pigmentation changes following the treatment. A personalized consultation is necessary to confirm that your individual skin type and health history are compatible with treatment.

How Many CO2 Laser Treatments Are Needed?

The number of CO2 laser sessions required depends on each patient’s skin condition and goals for results. The treatment is robust and with a single session, patients can achieve significant improvement. Dr. Sato will review in a personalized treatment plan the anticipated number of sessions that will be needed to achieve your aesthetic goals.

Is CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing Procedures Painful?

During the procedure experiencing moderate sensations of warmth and tingling that may cause discomfort is common, but well tolerated with topical numbing agents or a local anesthetic. For the first two to three days following treatment skin sensitivity and discomfort like the conditions of a sunburn are well-managed with medication and by following skincare instructions. 

Is Downtime Required After CO2 Laser Treatments?

Recovery from CO2 laser skin resurfacing typically involves one to two weeks of downtime. As the surface heals and new skin is regenerated, conditions of redness, peeling, and swelling in the treated areas are common. Keeping the new skin moisturized and protected and following all post-treatment skincare instructions is essential for avoiding infection and achieving optimal results. Dr. Sato discusses all potential side effects and how to manage them during the consultation process.

Contact Us to Learn More Information

To learn more information about laser skin rejuvenation, we invite you to request a consultation. Our practice is dedicated to helping you achieve your beauty goals while providing top tier patient care and ensuring your satisfaction. Contact the plastic surgery practice of Erika Sato, MD., today to arrange a personalized evaluation for CO2 laser skin rejuvenation in Houston.