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Articles for Breast Reduction

Your Breasts Shouldn’t Make Your Life Harder

A great deal of people are prone to insecurities regarding their bodies and appearance. These feelings are often prevalent in women, and everything you see in magazines and the media about having the perfect body only adds to these insecurities. One of the most common beauty tropes you see in the media is that having large breasts can only be a good thing, but for many women, that’s not the case. Sometimes having large breasts can make other aspects of life difficult and uncomfortable. Bigger Is Not Always Better For starters, women with large breasts struggle with finding the right clothes to fit […]

Top 5 Health Benefits of a Breast Reduction

Many women resort to breast enhancement procedures to increase the size of their breasts or to lift them up for a youthful appearance. Yet, there are also women who prefer breast reduction surgery to enhance their appearance. Although not as popular as breast augmentation, breast reduction surgery can improve a patient’s health, in addition to improving her breasts’ shape and size. Health Benefits of Breast Reduction Women with extremely large breasts often get breast reduction surgery for aesthetic and sartorial purposes. They want clothes to fit better in addition to making clothes shopping easier. Once they do, they also get to enjoy […]

Breast Reduction Surgery Can be Life-Changing. We’ll Tell You How!

Are your breasts weighing you down? Finding a shirt that fits can feel like an insurmountable challenge for women with overly large breasts. Everything looks too tight and/or too revealing. Exercise can be painful and difficult. Back pain, neck pain, and skin rashes become part of daily life. If you’re struggling with extremely large breasts, consider breast reduction surgery. It can truly change your life. “It’s Something I Did to Better My Life and My Health” The breast reduction decision can be a difficult one, and is a choice that should be made after careful consultation with an experienced surgeon like Dr. […]

Teenage Breast Reduction: A Parent’s Guide

Does your teen have overly large breasts? Do they cause discomfort, pain, embarrassment and other problems for your child? Breast reduction might be the solution. Many parents worry about exploring the option of surgery for their child, but in many cases, breast reduction surgery can alleviate physical and emotional pain and give teens with macromastia (or overly large breasts) a better quality life. If your teen is struggling with very large breasts, come see Dr. Sato and discuss options. The Negative Impact of Large Breasts Large breasts can take their toll on women of any age, but can be especially traumatic to […]

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